Our current generation is now living a life affected mostly by the advancement of technologies, which are evolving too fast, dynamic, and influential. We can't deny it in our daily lives, personal, family, work, community, even here in our church. These enhances our living becoming more productive in doing other more important things to do. Moreover, people nowadays are becoming more intellectual, radical, social (at least in Virtual Space).
However, its danger is it also affects our wisdom. The thoughts in the mind reasons purely by what is in the mind injected by our studies, profession, and with these advanced technologies. We tend to equate them as wisdom, therefore, Atheist are now becoming more popular belief in this world. They nullify God because there is no more space left in our brain to know Him.
However, its danger is it also affects our wisdom. The thoughts in the mind reasons purely by what is in the mind injected by our studies, profession, and with these advanced technologies. We tend to equate them as wisdom, therefore, Atheist are now becoming more popular belief in this world. They nullify God because there is no more space left in our brain to know Him.
Wisdom does not only comes in the mind, if it is, it's purely knowledge or intelligence. Wisdom only comes from our God, he delivered it through our experiences in our lives, through our hearts, and through His Spirit. If we talked spiritual matters to non-spiritual people, we talk non-sense to them. Because first, they are not interested to it as they wanted to occupy their mind with what the world's knowledge has to offer only. Second, they do not want to hear about Jesus and His teachings to trigger convictions to their heart. Lastly, they do not acknowledge a Divine guidance that everything they will do is a decision and action to be executed by themselves alone.
I am reminded in James 3:17 "But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere." The brother of Jesus who are among the people who doubted Christ when He was advancing His ministry here on earth, are now rebuked when Jesus show Himself alive and being true to about everything He and all the prophets had prophesied. But thank God, James has learned and told us where the wisdom will come from and what it bears. Apart from these categories are merely reasoning of pure intelligence.
We are not ask by God to rebel to anyone who do not believe in Him, indeed, he want us to maintain a good relationship with Him, do good works to them, that for every good things we do will be a slap on their face. Jesus' only desire is for us to preach His word and let it be heard in the ends of the world. But if we do these things, let the Holy Spirit of God lead us and share with us His wisdom. So that when we speak, it will show it purity, love of peace, considerations, submission, mercy, good fruits, justice and sincerity.
God bless everyone!
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