Sunday, 16 August 2015

Do you think it’s right? Yes or No?

"Do you think it’s right?"

When I was asked with this similar question, I feel obliged to provide a qualified answer acceptable to the person who asked this. Not only that, I also have to carry the burden of the real story behind this simple query. The question has options to be answered in many ways such as political, legal, moral, spiritual, etc. It will depend on how I perceived it based from whom it originates from.

As a servant of the Living God, I need to consider an answer which mostly morally and spiritually right and not only the legally acceptable. There are many political rules, laws, rights in many parts of the world that seems wrong a few years back but now legislatively right. There are norms and cultures that are previously detestable but now socially tolerable because it adapts according to the trend in our current generation which now are politically right.

In Philippians 2:1-2, Apostle Paul says “Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

These phrases reminded me that we as Christians should keep ourselves in the attitude of Jesus in soul (thinking), in heart (love), in spirit, and in mind. That with the unity of these four aspects of our lives with Him, we can naturally produce encouragement, comfort, common goals, care and compassion to others.

Keeping these as part of our very selves, the answers to the above questions is for sure the most acceptable answer not only to the person who asked it from you but also to the God who is associated well to your being. It will flow naturally and as a result, it produces an acceptable and suitable wisdom to both. Be firm to answer it a Yes or a No, the why will be answered with the help of God who stays in your being. 

God bless everyone!

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