Monday, 2 February 2015

Branching from the True Vine

Today, the inauguration of FBGC Pointcook , is a celebration of the birth of a new bud (this church) branching from The True Vine (Jesus) who is under the care of our Gardener (God, The Father) --- John 15:1. Everyone enjoys the atmosphere of Spiritual Breakthrough as a product of this blossoming creation of God, the opening of our church here in Pointcook. We, our church, are a work in progress. We are not made of any non-living raw materials. We are God’s most loved living creations who have body, soul, and spirit. We are rational, social, and spiritual being. But like any full grown branches, we are starting from being a bud. Our main goal is to grow, glow, and go.

Jesus reminded us in John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. The one who remains in me – and I in him – bears much fruit, because apart from me you can accomplish nothing.” In order for us to grow, we have to keep a solid connection to vine, to be fed by his living water, and hold us firmly even in the time of adversities. Jesus wanted the church to GROW autonomously, but remain dependent to The True Vine (Jesus) who source life and keeps the branch to GLOW in leaves, flowers, and fruits.

And as we keep our church connected with God, we will stand still with Jesus even if the seasons change. We sway when the wind blows, rejoice when the rain comes, work when the sun shines, and cool when the night appears. These continuous dynamic changes will develop our bud to branch to fruits. Then it is the time to GO, the fruit has to leave the tree and its seed needs to be scattered in the soil (hearts) of the ends of the earth. This is the process which we need to understand that the new Church has to take place. If we remain with Jesus and Him in us, there is no other reason that will keep our bud not to grow into branch. I encourage everyone to take hold of our faith in Jesus, to be fed and nurtured by Him, with the care of Almighty Father and bear fruits through the works of the Holy Spirit that has entrusted with us.

God bless everyone!

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